Flare header shall be sloped towards flare knock-out drum. The desired slope shall be ensured throughout including flat loop.
Expansion loop shall be provided in horizontal plane as per requirement to accommodate thermal expansion. Proper thermal analysis temperature shall be established including the possibility of temperature gradient along the line before providing expansion loops. Efforts shall be made to minimize the number of loops.
Flare header shall be supported on shoe of height ranging from 100mm to 300mm. Flare line between knock out drum and water seal drum shall be designed for pressure fluctuations and adequately supported to avoid vibrations. Flare piping to offsite shall be provided with guide support on all around the pipe to prevent it falling off from the flare trestles.
Flare Stack
Flare stack should be located minimum 90 meters away from all other facilities for elevated flare stack and 150 meters away from ground flare stack. For Exploration & Production installations, this shall be in line with Oil Mines Regulations. Flare should be located upwind of process units and the area around flare should be paved.
It is necessary to have sterile area around the flare stack for a sufficient radius, free of grass and other growth to avoid any fire hazard by falling of burning liquid from the stack.
Flare header valve stems shall be in vertical downward position. Valves in Flare Header shall be of Gate Type only.