Painting of Piping and Equipment

High Quality painting of Structures, Equipment and Piping Systems to avoid corrosion is essential for long life of a constructed plant. Various types of markings are also required to be painted all over the part of the plant.

PNT-FAB-001Painting Specification is prepared by Material Engineer to assure high quality painting work on the project as per international standards.
PNT-FAB-002Painting includes surface preparation, selection of paints, application of paints on external surface of piping and equipments.
PNT-FAB-003Un-insulated carbon steel pipes, fittings, valves, special items etc. require painting.
PNT-FAB-004Carbon steel ducts, furnaces and stacks require painting.
PNT-FAB-005All un-insulated equipments like columns, vessels, drums, heat exchangers, pumps, compressors, electrical panels, motors etc. require painting.
PNT-FAB-006All structural componets like steel members, platforms, ladders,handrails etc. required painting.
PNT-FAB-007Identification marks, color bands are also required to be painted.
PNT-FAB-008Painting over insulation cladding is required. (Marking).
PNT-FAB-009In some cases, painting under insulation also required for carbon steel piping.
PNT-FAB-010Plastic or plastic coated components do not required to be painted.
PNT-FAB-011Non-ferrous materials like Aluminium are not required to be painted.
PNT-FAB-012Final painting shouldbe done only after all tests are performed on the piping system.
PNT-FAB-013Various international codes and standards should be followed for painting.
PNT-FAB-014Surface preparation is critical to ensure clean surface so that paint film adheres securely to the surface.
PNT-FAB-015Various methods of surface preparation are used like Hand Tool Cleaning, Power tool, Blast Cleaning etc.
PNT-FAB-016Environmental factors such as Rain, Wind, Temperature, Humidity must be considered while painting.
PNT-FAB-017Normally primare should be applied within 4 hours of surface preparation.
PNT-FAB-018Paint is applied using brush, air spray equipment etc. as per relevent standards.
PNT-FAB-019Proper documentation regarding painting process must be maintained by the contractor and submitted to the client.
PNT-FAB-020Field safety and hygiene must be maintained at all times during painting work.

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