Economic risk.

1.    The economic risk is associated with deferment of income, cost of repair, and other costs such as liabilities to the public and clean-up costs.

2.    The economic risk should be evaluated for each phase of the pipeline operating life, and should be compatible with the overall objectives of the Principal.

3.    For the predicted life cycle conditions, the design shall take due account of operations, inspection and maintenance requirements, as well as established operating philosophy and practices, agreed  in  advance  with  the  personnel  responsible  for  the  operation  of  the pipeline.

4.    These include manning levels for the operation, integrity monitoring and maintenance of the pipeline system, the requirements for telecommunications and remote operations, means of access to the onshore right of way, etc.

5.    The design of pipelines which are continuously in operation should address the requirement for bypass at components which need regular maintenance.


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