Air Cooled Heat Exchangers Layout

Air cooled heat exchanger is a most economical way of cooling down distillation tower overhead vapors in large quantities.


Air coolers shall be located over the main pipe rack or on technological structure.  They are located near to the distillation tower they serve.  Pumps handling hydrocarbons above the temperature of 230 deg.C or C4 and Lighters should not be installed underneath the air fin coolers.

Blind Floor

For air coolers located on technological structure/rack, blind floor shall be provided to trap any leaks from air cooler. Blind floor is generally not required if pumps handling hydrocarbons or equipment are not placed below them.

Supporting Structure

The width of the structure from where Air cooler assembly is supported shall be about 2.0 m more than the Air cooler tube bundle length so that proper supporting of inlet/outlet piping manifolds can be done from the main members of pipe rack/technological structure to transfer piping load to main structural members.


Davit shall be provided for lowering the gear boxes etc. along with mobile trolley with retractable jacking arrangement of suitable load carrying capacity.


Motor maintenance platform with 2100 mm headroom to be provided below the air cooler. Platform along the inlet and outlet nozzles to be provided with ladders from grade.


Inlet and outlet piping shall be symmetrical as per PID requirement.


Crane access should be provided to lift the entire air cooler.

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